ernährungsberatung gelsenkirchen

1x nutritional consultation unit (up to 45min)


Blitzschnelle Lieferung

1 - 3 Werktage!

Fokus auf Qualität

Hochwertige Rohstoffe und Inhaltsstoffe

Top Preis-Leistung

Premium Qualität zu fairen Preisen
ernährungsberatung gelsenkirchen

1x nutritional consultation unit (up to 45min)


1x nutritional consultation unit (up to 45min)


Our nutritional consultation is possible on site in our store Horster Str.34 45897 Gelsenkirchen or by telephone or video call (via. Zoom) and lasts up to 45min per unit.

After your purchase you will receive an anamnesis sheet (first interview questionnaire) by e-mail. This serves as a basis for the nutritional consultation.

We will also contact you to arrange an appointment.

Unsere Empfehlung

Angeschaute Produkte